📹Bootcamp Video Application


Rocket Academy requires all prospective Bootcamp students submit a 3-5 minute video application describing a concept that is taught in our Fundamentals course. We are looking to see how you communicate, and a chance to get to know YOU!


Software engineering requires a high level of written and verbal communication: written communication to help team members understand one's code and planning documents, and verbal communication to discuss and decide on requirements with one's team.

To ensure a great learning environment, students are expected to come in knowing that good communication is a standard we look for. However, we also work towards improving students communication abilities by engaging in group projects and presentations through out the course!


  1. Record a 3-5 minute video of you explaining a concept taught in Fundamentals as if to a friend (or better, to a kid or parent). Consider using visual aids to help in your explanation.

  2. Upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video, and ensure the link is not private so Rocket can view the video.

  3. Please do not read off a script. Rocket is looking for students that can explain coding concepts clearly and engagingly to others. We are more interested in your ability to communicate concepts than the perfection of your speech.

Guidelines On Recording Bootcamp Application Videos

Please feel free to record your video on whatever platform best suits you. However, if you'd like some direction, the following setup demonstrates how we can use Zoom to record ourselves along with the use of visual aids.

  1. Login to Zoom and start a new meeting with yourself as host.

  2. Optional: If you are using visual aids, share your screen (how?). Please ensure that your face can still be seen clearly, possibly either at the top left or right of the screen.

    Tip: We recommend an IDE like VSCode as a visual aid, which is conducive for writing code as-you-speak, just like how your SLs did it during classes. That said, other mediums like PowerPoint slides are also accepted.

  3. Take a deep breath; You got this. When ready: Start recording (how?).

  4. Once done, end the recording. Locate the recording (how?) and upload the video to YouTube.

  5. Go to this link and submit the link to your application, including your YouTube video.

  6. Application complete!


Students can submit this video application any time. The deadline to submit is 2 week before the Bootcamp batch that students wish to join.

Last updated