🚂Bootcamp Admission Criteria

Coding Fundamentals is a pre-requisite for Software Engineering Bootcamp (SEB). Fundamentals section leaders will share feedback with students each class on their progress. By the end of Fundamentals, students should know whether they have met the criteria to join SEB.

In general, the criteria to pass Fundamentals and join Bootcamp are the following.

  1. Completion and submission of the 3 projects in Fundamentals

  2. Demonstrated improvement between each of the 3 projects based on section leader feedback

Typically we look for the following attributes in evaluating projects.

  1. Proficiency with technical syntax (variables, functions, conditionals, loops, data structures) and tools (VSCode, Git, GitHub, Chrome DevTools)

  2. Code quality (naming, code comments)

  3. Computational thinking (i.e. ability to translate application requirements to code)

    1. Decomposition: Each function performs 1 conceptual operation

    2. Data Representation: Use of relevant data structures for each problem

    3. Abstraction: Re-use helper functions with varying parameter values when possible

    4. Algorithms: Construct stepwise logic to accomplish tasks

Through the above criteria, Rocket is essentially asking the question: Would I hire this person as a software engineer if I had their attention for 4 months full time or 8 months part time to teach them coding. If the answer is yes, welcome to Bootcamp! If the answer is currently no, let's have a conversation and see how we can help you get where you want to be!

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