
Introduction Video

📅 Course Dates

Week 1, Course Day 1: Introduction

Day 1 video


Course Logistics

Module 1: Introduction

Week 1, Course Day 2: Coding Tools

Day 2 video


Fundamentals used to be called SWE101 and some of our videos were made before the name change and still reference the old name of SWE101.

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Basic Data Manipulation


Please do not attempt homework before finishing the corresponding reading material. If you are looking for more material to work on, we suggest attempting the More Comfortable sections of previous days' exercises.

Week 2, Course Day 3: Functions

Day 3 Video


Module 3: Structuring and Debugging Code


Week 2, Course Day 4: Logic 1

Day 4 video


Module 4: Conditional Logic


Project Start: Scissors Paper Stone

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone (Part 1)

Week 3, Course Day 5: Logic 2, States

Day 5 video


Module 4: Conditional Logic

Module 5: Global State


Project Continuation

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone (Part 2)

Week 3, Course Day 6: Git, GitHub

Day 6 video

Project Due: Scissor Paper Stone

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone


Module 7: Version Control

Module 8: GitHub


  • Rest Day!

Week 4, Course Day 7: Arrays, Loops 1

Day 7 video


Module 6: Arrays and Iteration


Project Start: Beat That!

Project 2: Beat That!

Week 4, Course Day 8: Loops 2

Day 8 video


Module 6: Arrays and Iteration


Week 5, Course Day 9: Final Project Due & Extra Material

Github Deployment Video:

Project Due: Beat That!

Project 2: Beat That!


Module 8: Additional Github Material

What's Next?

Thank you for completing Fundamentals Lite! If you enjoyed your time with us, we would love to continue supporting your coding journey! Feel free to check out Rocket's Bootcamp for resources on becoming a professional software engineer.

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Last updated