🚀Upgrading to Paid Fundamentals

Any time during Fundamentals Lite, if you gain further interest in coding, consider joining us in the paid version of Fundamentals!

In Coding Fundamentals you will get:

  • Longer course with more advanced material to help you prepare for Bootcamp and ultimately become a software engineer

  • LinkedIn badge at the end of the course to share your latest achievement with friends and potential employers

  • Dedicated section leader for every ~12 students that meet twice a week to review concepts and answer questions

  • Access to section, batch and course Slack channels for support between classes

  • The chance to meet and pair program with like-minded individuals looking to progress in their software engineering journeys

How to upgrade:

  1. Email us at jill@rocketacademy.co with your name and the Fundamentals batch you would like to join

  2. Quick interview with our Head of Fundamentals who will ensure you have caught up with the course and are ready to join the current Fundamentals batch

  3. Receive and pay invoice for SGD$199*

  4. Rocket will add you to the Coding Fundamentals Slack workspace, relevant Slack channels and Coding Fundamentals classes

*Rocket provides all Coding Fundamentals graduates with a unique code that grants SGD$200 off Rocket's Coding Bootcamp.

Last updated